How to find the perfect workout and diet routine.

What’s the perfect diet and training plan?

3 facts for finding the perfect diet and exercise plan.

  1. There is no perfect exercise.
  2. There is no perfect diet.
  3. Progress trumps perfection.

Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

🏋️‍♂️ No perfect workout?

Some exercises are for strength. Others for balance. Or flexibility. Stability. Stamina. Longevity. Reflexes. Sports-specific-performance…

I could keep going but this list is longer than Lebron James’s jeans.

🍽️ No perfect diet?

Some diets are ideal for weight-loss. Others for muscle-gain. Or  gut-health. Controlling blood-sugar. Improving athletic performance. Reducing symptoms of epilepsy…

I could keep going but this list is longer than ingredients on the back of your Cheez-Whiz.

🔑 Here’s an important takeaway:

What is optimal for somebody today is not perfect for everybody forever. What works for me might not work for you. And what worked for you yesterday might not work for you tomorrow.

2 years ago, I went viral on YouTube for doing burpees. To this day, I still receive countless questions about burpees.

Q: Are burpees the perfect exercise?

A: Hell no.

Q: Do they work?

A: It depends on what your goals are.

🔑 Here’s an action-item for normal people:

Some exercise is better than none. AHA researchers found that 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity per week can lower your risk of heart disease by 14% (source). Further, their test subjects were just walking. 

I repeat. Walking is enough to reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Burpees are not the answer. Sprints are not the answer. Kettlebells are not the answer. Doing only one exercise forever is like eating only one food forever.

Stop focusing on perfection.

Start focusing on progression.