Poor Scrolling Posture Is Hurting Your Back and Your Brain

Poor Scrolling Posture Is Hurting Your Back and Your Brain

What Digital Screens are Doing to Your Posture

Are you hunching over to look at your phone right now? 🤨 I’m looking out for you.

“Stand up straight with your shoulders back.”

👆 Clinical psychologists recommend this posture for approaching the world. Similarly, personal trainers recommend this posture for approaching any activity. (And yes – staring at your iPhone and reading this post counts as an activity.)

 If you’re like me, you spend  hours in front of screens every day. Take note of your body. Is your back rounded? Are your shoulders forward? Are you leaning in? Are your eyes less than 2 inches away from your device?

It’s easy to get sucked in – both physically and mentally. 👨‍💻 

Here are 2 simple solutions for protecting your back and your brain:

📱 If you are standing up and looking at your phone, avoid hunching over to gaze into your Instagram feed. Instead, stand tall and invite the digital world into your line of vision. When you’re done scrolling, lower the phone out of your line of vision and come back into reality.

🖥 If you are working on a project in front of your new 27in iMac, keep your back pressed against your chair. As you become invested in the task at hand, you have a tendency to creep closer and closer into your monitor. (I have a sticky-note on the corner of my screen that reminds me – “DON’T GET SUCKED IN”)

Maintaining good posture is a constant workout for your body and your mind. Training doesn’t stop when you leave the gym. Protect your back and your brain. Don’t get sucked in.