How to get back on track after a crazy weekend of too much food / calories

You ate too much over the weekend? Here’s how to recover.

You went “off the rails” last weekend? 🍔🍻🍕 Here’s what you need to do ASAP:

🛌 Wake up. Get out of bed. If you need to, countdown in your head. “3… 2… 1… Go.”

🚿 Take a shower. (Maybe a cold one?) Get your skin feeling clean again.

💧 Drink water. I don’t have to explain this one.

But keep reading.

Here comes the really important step.

Here comes the step that everybody misses.

“Here comes the boom” as Nelly would say.

🍳 Eat a normal, balanced breakfast.

Don’t overthink it. Just do it. Even if you’re not hungry. Even if you vacuumed up half a pizza last night. Even if you inhaled the entire crockpot of buffalo chicken dip at Steve’s party. Even if you blew through your drink limit. Even if you tripled your Calories. That was then. This is now. Get back on track. If you usually eat breakfast, then today you eat breakfast.

Don’t begin this week in restriction-mode. If restricting all week only leads you to binging all weekend, then the restriction is not worth it. Set a new tone. Stop the cycle. Eat the oatmeal.

In the long run, the extra Calories from a healthy breakfast are no big deal. However, a lifetime of binging and restricting is.

Set a new tone.

Stop the cycle.

Put an egg in your mouth.
