8 stupid simple steps to getting leaner and stronger - sustainable weight loss and strength gains

8 stupid simple steps to getting LEANER and STRONGER.

Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions?

Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels, but you’re not going anywhere?

Another day. Another workout. Another meal. And no results.

You are not alone.

Whether you are brand new to fitness, or if you are hitting a plateau, you’ll benefit from these 8 stupid simple steps for getting leaner and stronger.

I’ll briefly outline the 8 steps for you, but if you’d rather stream today’s one-hour podcast on this topic, the links are below. And yep – it’s free!

Google Play

Let’s cut to the chase. (Tehehe.)

Can you relate to either of these scenarios?

• Many people never get started on a fitness program because they don’t know where to begin.

• Many people get frustrated and change (or even quit) their fitness program because they think they’ve hit a plateau.

Before going “all-in” on the latest fad diets and fitness trends, you should dedicate one month to dialing your fitness fundamentals.

Don’t do anything crazy. Just do the 8 things listed below.

Jumpstart your progress with 8 stupid simple fitness tips. 

1⃣ Define your goal. ✍ Your goal should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Ask yourself “why am I pursuing this?” Your efforts should be rooted in love for yourself (rather than fear, guilt, shame, etc).

2⃣ Drink up. 💧 Track your daily water intake. Aim for one gallon of water every day.

3⃣ Walk it out. 🚶 Track your daily steps. Aim for at least one 15-minute walk every day.

4⃣ Go to bed. 🛌 Track your nightly sleep. Aim for about 7-9 hours in bed each night.

5⃣ Eat meals. 🍽 Remember breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Develop consistency in your diet by eating 3 plates of food every day (and 2 optional snacks). Before you can change your regular diet, you must have a regular diet. #3plates2snacks

6⃣ Eat “healthy” meals. 🥘 After dialing in your daily meals and snacks, try optimizing them with my 3-P mantra. Increase Plants. Decrease Processed-foods. Increase Protein. This simple strategy will help you stay full on delicious foods while enjoying plenty of healthy micronutrients.

7⃣ Optimize your environment. 🏡 You’ll never get lean if you live in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Get your trigger-foods out of the house to avoid overeating or binging (alcohol counts, sorry). Add inconvenience to your life to increase your daily steps (bonus points for adopting a doggo).

8⃣ Practice Gratitude. ☮ Your mindset is everything. This will be difficult. You will lose motivation. You will face chaos, exhaustion, and boredom. Your best response to obstacles is optimism. Train your brain by practicing gratitude. It is called a gratitude “practice” for a reason. Start by writing down 3 things that you are grateful for every single day.

*Step 8 is the easiest strategy to execute on the list. But most people still won’t do it. If you really want to level-up your mindset, do not skip this step. Seriously. If you want to make my day, send me an email and tell me 3 things that you’re grateful for. I dare you.

Burning fat, building muscle, and moving better is simple… but it’s not easy.

Be kind to yourself. Zoom out and look at the big picture. Spend one month dialing in these 8 steps and your fitness journey will be built upon an unbreakable foundation. Stop running in circles. Start running towards progress.

For more elaboration on this topic, check out today’s podcast, or watch this old YouTube video: