Ultimate Summer Fitness Survival Guide. 10 health tips for weekends, vacations, parties, travels, and more!

Ultimate Summer Fitness Survival Guide. 10 health tips for weekends, vacations, parties, travels, and more!

The Fitness Paradox of Summer

Summertime is great, but it’s a contradiction. Laid-back, yet busy. Simple, yet chaotic. You want to look better than ever, but you also want to let loose more than ever. 🍹

If you’re like me, you’ve always struggled to get lean and stay fit while enjoying yourself and having fun on the weekends. Especially during the summer months. Especially when there’s plenty of parties to attend. And especially when there’s plenty of delicious foods and alcoholic drinks at every party.

I get it. The struggle is real. How can you find balance between staying healthy and having a social life?

What is the Answer to Staying In Shape All Summer?

Sorry. There is no one singular answer. 🤷‍♂️ There are only solutions and strategies.

After years of personal training (and personal experience), I’ve created a list of healthy habits to get you through long weekends and late nights. This list features my top 10 strategies for dialing in your nutrition, fitness, and mindset while still having fun.

10 Tips for Staying Healthy During Weekends, Vacations, Parties, + Travels:

  1. Focus on having a good week, rather than a perfect day.
  2. Plan a workout schedule that you can stick to. Consistency > Quantity.
  3. Walk it out. Get your daily steps in to burn off extra Calories.
  4. Drink smart. Track your alcohol intake and set a weekly drink limit.
  5. Let go of control. You can’t always track Calories, but you can eat like an adult.
  6. Optimize your plate with the 3 P’s: increase Protein, decrease Processing, increase Plants.
  7. Go play! Get excited to move by keeping exercise fun.
  8. Eat treats throughout the week to avoid binging on the weekends.
  9. Pack smart snacks that are portable, high-Protein, and low-Calorie.
  10. Don’t wait for the perfect week to get started. Start today!

For more detail and real-world examples of how I actually apply these tips with myself and my clients, tune into this free 1-hour podcast, and don’t miss the YouTube video below.