How to overcome fad diets and fitness trends

How to overcome fad diets and fake fitness trends.

The images say it all. Especially that last one.

The problem with fitness trends.

Don’t make this harder than it has to be. More complexity does not mean more progress.

Simplicity is not sexy. But complexity is. And contrarianism is even sexier.

“Skip breakfast. Eliminate carbs. Drink butter-infused coffee. Go against the scientific consensus.”

Every guru on the internet.

🤘 It’s punk rock for fitness fanatics.

I used to be a disciple of the counter-culture. I used to believe in some grand fitness conspiracy. And I used to be a real pain in the ass to go to lunch with (unless they had gluten-free, 100% organic, Dalai-Lama-approved options on the menu).

Before studying real research and getting certified as a fitness coach, I scoffed at people who ate carbs for breakfast instead of doing fasted cardio and supplementing with BCAAs. Meanwhile, these people were perfectly healthy, and my morning routine was taking way too long… plus I was getting hangry! 😅 Could’ve used a Snickers.

The truth about fitness trends.

Just because you go against the status-quo, does not mean you’re right.

Just because you align with the status-quo, does not mean you’re right.

It doesn’t matter who is right.

🛑 Stop taking sides.

✅ Start taking action.

Try things out. Be consistent. See what honestly works for you. Keyword: honestly.

It’s not about what works for an influencer or a guru or a friend. It’s about what works for YOU.

Your fitness journey can be simple. 👍 It won’t be easy, but it can at least be simple.

How to stop scrolling and start trusting yourself.

I wish I could solve all of your problems in one brief paragraph or bulleted list, but I can’t. If you really want to change your life, you have to go deep. You have to look within. You have to search beyond some random article on the internet. My only hope for you is that one of the concepts, emotions, or ideas expressed in the podcast episodes linked below resonate with you.

  1. Taking YOUR Fitness Routine to the Next Level (Supplements, Protein, + Habits) with TJ Troup
    • This one goes deep on the physical side of the journey.
  2. What I Wish I Knew Before KETO / PALEO / VEGAN / FASTING
    • This one goes deep on my mental side of the journey.

Listen to full episodes of Fitness Forever Whatever for free or wherever you listen to podcasts.